Carol’s Coconut Water Factor4 Shake
Carol's Coconut Water Factor4 Shake

Amazing Nutrition and Hydration
- 2 Scoops - Factor4 Weight Control®
- 8-10 oz - Coconut Water
- For fun, try some coconut ice cubes 🙂
- • One magnificent recipe is to mix Factor 4 with coconut water, which is now sold everywhere.
- • About 70 calories, no sugar, excellent hydration.
- • The British used it as plasma in WW2 in the tropics when they ran out of plasma.
- • That is how close it is to our vital fluids. Lovely product if you have not yet tasted it.
- • Very light. Viscosity of water.
- • Nothing added if you get the plain flavor.
- • Several companies now do it primarily Zico and Vita.
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